St John’s Youth Services Established by the parishioners of St John’s Anglican Church in 1981, St John’s Youth Services works with young people in the Adelaide metropolitan area aged from 16 to 25, who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. As well as individuals, we support young parents and their dependent children, and can accommodate single mums or dads and their children, as well as couples.
The Magdalene Centre
Founded by the parishes of St John’s, St Peter’s Cathedral and St Mary Magdalene’s, the Magdalene Centre provides support, training and emergency provisions for needy and marginalised families in the city. St John’s parishioners continue to contribute through fundraising and as volunteers at the Centre and on the Board.
Pastoral Care
St John’s hospital visitors regularly visit Anglican and other patients by request in the nearby St Andrew’s Hospital . Arrangements can be made for a priest to bring communion. Training in hospital visits is available for interested parishioners.